You will get circuit cards for a number of sports, such as basketball, football and striking and fielding which can be laminated for the circuit.
Each student will receive a scorecard for that sport.
There is a scheme of work for this block of circuits.
The activities are differentiated so that students can choose either easier or harder tasks.
Please note that I am dyslexic, so I may make simply mistakes.
This covers topic 1: Applied Anatomy and Physiology: Circulatory System Revision Lesson. You get the students worksheet, teachers worksheet with answers and powerpoint. Students can use books such as (Roscoe and Roscoe) as well to answer the questions as there are independent studies in the worksheet. Plus exam questions at the end. Please note that you may need to alter the powerpoint as I do my lessons on a mac. (Apologise for any grammar or spelling mistakes in advance, if you find some, it is due to my dyslexia)
Learning Objectives
• Describe the anatomical components and structure of the cardio vascular system
• Describe the physiology of the cardiovascular system
• Understanding the bradycardia, why it may be beneficial and how, anatomically and physiologically, it may occur.
This resource covers every section of the new IGCSE PE (Cambridge) from:
Unit1: Anatomy and physiology
Unit 2: Health, fitness and training
Unit 3: Skill acquisition and psychology
Unit 4: Social, cultural and ethical influences.
Please note that you may need to alter the powerpoint as I do my lessons on a mac. (Apologise for any grammar or spelling mistakes in advance, if you find some, as I am dyslexic)
A-level PE Edexcel Exam Booklet for Specification 2016-onwards
The booklet is divided into five sections:
• Topic 1: Exercise Physiology and Applied Movement Analysis
• Topic 2: Applied Anatomy and Physiology
• Topic 3: Skill Acquisition
• Topic 4: Sport Psychology
• Topic 5: Sport in Society
Each area has exam questions from both AS and A2 papers from 2016 to 2024. All the answers are provided. Plus I have tried to place the exam questions into sub categories to help predict what exam questions are popular and maybe what might be coming up in the 2025 exam.
I find this a great resource to help students get through their exams
This is what you will get, all the policies and produces to run a department:
Aims of the Physical Education Department
Staffing Structure
Procedures for Changing
Physical Education Kit
Wet Weather Lessons
Behavioural Policy
Homework Policy
Extra-curricular Provision including Visitors and Clubs
Curriculum Content
Timetable 2015-16
Curriculum IGCSE Physical Education
Curriculum AS/2 Level Physical Education
Curriculum AS Level Physical Education
Curriculum A2 Level Physical Education
Cover for Absent Teachers
Assessment, Recording and Reporting
Baseline Assessment
Information and Communication Technology
Gifted and Talented
Social and Emotional Aspects of Learning
Helping Children Achieve More
Special Educational Needs and Differentiation
Equal Opportunity
Health and Safety Policy
Examples of Risk Assessment
I am dyslexic, so if you find some silly mistakes, I am, very sorry
You get the teacher worksheet, students worksheets, handouts and powerpoint on the Training . Students can use books to aid them as well. There are independent studies in the worksheet. Plus exam questions at the end. Please note that you may need to alter the powerpoint as I do my lessons on a mac. (Apologise for any grammar or spelling mistakes in advance, if you find some, as I am dyslexic).
In the bundle you get the following:
7.1: Principles of training and overload
7.2: Methods of Training
7.3: Warm-up and cool down
Plus exam for training
You get the students worksheets and powerpoint. Students can use books to aid them as well. There are independent studies in the worksheet. Plus exam questions at the end. Please note that you may need to alter the powerpoint as I do my lessons on a mac. (Apologise for any grammar or spelling mistakes in advance, if you find some, as I am dyslexic).
In the bundle you get the following:
2.1. The Pathway of Air & Gaseous Exchange
2.2. The Mechanics of Breathing
2.3. Breathing volumes and minute ventilation
2.1/2/3 Respiratory System Exam
You get the students worksheets and powerpoint on the Simple Biomechanics. Students can use books to aid them as well. There are independent studies in the worksheet. Plus exam questions at the end. Please note that you may need to alter the powerpoint as I do my lessons on a mac. (Apologise for any grammar or spelling mistakes in advance, if you find some, as I am dyslexic).
In the bundle you get the following:
5.1. Principles of force
5.2. Application of Force
5.3. Levers
Plus an end of unit exam with questions and answers
You get the students worksheets and powerpoint on the circulatory system. Students can use books to aid them as well. There are independent studies in the worksheet. Plus exam questions at the end. Please note that you may need to alter the powerpoint as I do my lessons on a mac. (Apologise for any grammar or spelling mistakes in advance, if you find some, as I am dyslexic).
In the bundle you get the following
3.1: Components of Blood
3.2: Heart, Structure & Function
3.3: Cardiac Output
Plus an end of unit exam with questions and answers
You get the students worksheets and powerpoint. Students can use books to aid them as well. There are independent studies in the worksheet. Plus exam questions at the end. Please note that you may need to alter the powerpoint as I do my lessons on a mac. (Apologise for any grammar or spelling mistakes in advance, if you find some, as I am dyslexic).
In the bundle you get the following:
1.4. Muscles
1.5. Antagonistic Muscle Action
1.6. Muscle fibre types
1.4/5/6: The Muscular System
You get the students worksheets and powerpoint. Students can use books to aid them as well. There are independent studies in the worksheet. Plus exam questions at the end. Please note that you may need to alter the powerpoint as I do my lessons on a mac. (Apologise for any grammar or spelling mistakes in advance, if you find some, as I am dyslexic).
In the bundle you get the following:
1.1. The Skeleton and its Function
1.2. Joint types, structure & formation
1.3. Movement at the joints
1-6 The Skeletal System Exam
You get the students worksheets and powerpoint. Students can use books to aid them as well. There are independent studies in the worksheet. Plus exam questions at the end. Please note that you may need to alter the powerpoint as I do my lessons on a mac. (Apologise for any grammar or spelling mistakes in advance, if you find some, as I am dyslexic).
In the bundle you get the following:
2.1. Health
2.2. Diet
2.3. Games, safe practice
2.4. Injuries
2.5. Exercise and training
You get the students worksheets and powerpoint on the energy supply and the effects of exercise on the body. Students can use books to aid them as well. There are independent studies in the worksheet. Plus exam questions at the end. Please note that you may need to alter the powerpoint as I do my lessons on a mac. (Apologise for any grammar or spelling mistakes in advance, if you find some, as I am dyslexic).
In the bundle you get the following:
4.1: Aerobic & Anaerobic Respiration
4.2. Recovery
4.3. Short-term effects of exercise
4.4. Long-term effects of exercise
Please note these are revision lessons.
You get the students worksheet, teachers worksheet with answers and powerpoint. Students can use books such as (Roscoe and Roscoe) as well to answer the questions as there are independent studies in the worksheet. Plus exam questions at the end. Please note that you may need to alter the powerpoint as I do my lessons on a mac. (Apologise for any grammar or spelling mistakes in advance, if you find some, as I am dyslexic).
In the bundle you will get the following areas:
Post 1850 / Influence of the Public Schools Revision
Factors affecting sport in post-industrial Britain 1850 Revision
Pre-1850 - Pre-instrustrial Britain Revision
Australian Institute of Sport Revision
Franchise in the World of Sport Revision Lesson
Please note these are revision lessons.
You get the students worksheet, teachers worksheet with answers and powerpoint. Students can use books such as (Roscoe and Roscoe) as well to answer the questions as there are independent studies in the worksheet. Plus exam questions at the end. Please note that you may need to alter the powerpoint as I do my lessons on a mac. (Apologise for any grammar or spelling mistakes in advance, if you find some, as I am dyslexic).
In the bundle you will get the following areas:
The role of technology
Sliding Filament Theory
Bones and Muscle Contractions
Motor units and muscular contraction
Muscle fibre types and exercise intensity
Levers & Newton’s Revision
Please note these are revision lessons.
You get the students worksheet, teachers worksheet with answers and powerpoint. Students can use books such as (Roscoe and Roscoe) as well to answer the questions as there are independent studies in the worksheet. Plus exam questions at the end. Please note that you may need to alter the powerpoint as I do my lessons on a mac. (Apologise for any grammar or spelling mistakes in advance, if you find some, as I am dyslexic).
In the bundle you will get the following areas:
Learning Theories
Practice Methods
Skill and ability
Transfer of skill
You get the teacher worksheet, students worksheets and powerpoint on the health and fitness sections. Students can use books to aid them as well. There are independent studies in the worksheet. Plus exam questions at the end. Please note that you may need to alter the powerpoint as I do my lessons on a mac. (Apologise for any grammar or spelling mistakes in advance, if you find some, as I am dyslexic).
9.1. Goal Setting
9.2. Motivation and Mental Preparation
9.3. Arousal.
9.4. Anxiety
9.5. Relaxation Techniques
9.6. Personality Types
Plus the exam
You get the teacher worksheet, students worksheets and powerpoint on the health and fitness sections. Students can use books to aid them as well. There are independent studies in the worksheet. Plus exam questions at the end. Please note that you may need to alter the powerpoint as I do my lessons on a mac. (Apologise for any grammar or spelling mistakes in advance, if you find some, as I am dyslexic).
In the bundle you get the following:
6.1. Health & Well-Being
6.2. Fitness
6.3. Diet and Energy Source
6.4. Components of Fitness
6.5. Fitness Testing
6.6. V02 Max
Plus an end of unit exam with questions and answers